Red Team as a

Blue Team as a Service (BTaaS) refers to a servicebased approach to an organization‘s IT security processes, procedures, and solutions. This includes the provision of hardware, software, and services to protect an organization‘s information technology infrastructure and data from cyberthreats. The service usually involves continuous monitoring and detection of threats and vulnerabilities, as well as researching, incident response, and patch/configuration management.

Advanced attack resilience

Securely placing your organisation in a stronger position to prepare, detect, deter and recover from a real-world attack, should you be targeted.

Holistic view of deployed security

In the window between manual assessments, our testing platform will continuously test your networks and alert you of any possible security vulnerabilities.

Review effectiveness of incident response mechanisms

Testing will expose and assess internal response mechanisms and ‘actions upon’ in the case of any detection of the attack.

Continuous improvement

The output from any simulated attack can help improve internal business and user awareness, with output able to be utilised in internal training programmes, and where relevant, support compliance requirements.

Testing security procedures and practices

Providing evidence of what policies and procedures failed or indeed protected the organisation during the attack lifecycle.

Full range of cutting-edge hacker techniques

Rootshell Security will work with you, professionally and ethically, to determine your organisation’s resilience to an attack.

What is a red team assessment?

A red team assessment is an independent assessment of an organization‘s security posture or systems. It is conducted by a team of security professionals (the red team) in order to simulate a realworld attack against the organizations systems. The objectives of a red team assessment are typically to identify vulnerabilities, test responses to security incidents, and demonstrate how attackers can take control of the system. The red team‘s activities are typically tailored to the specific scope of the assessment, and typically involve extensive research, reconnaissance, and exploitation of vulnerabilities.

What is the purpose of a red team assessment?

A red team assessment is a type of security assessment aimed at testing an organizations security posture from the perspective of a malicious intruder, or a red team. It is used to identify any weaknesses or gaps in security measures, and to identify potential areas of improvement or enhancement. Red team assessments are intended to provide a more realistic assessment of an organizations security posture, as the tests are conducted with realworld tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).

How are Red team security assessments carried out?

A Red team security assessment is an assessment that tests the vulnerability of an organization‘s networks, systems, and applications in an adversarial manner. The assessment involves attempting to penetrate the organizations security to identify and exploit vulnerabilities. The assessment usually consists of multiple phases, including reconnaissance, vulnerability analysis, exploitation, privilege escalation, post exploitation activities, document review, and documentation of findings. Red team assessments improve the overall security of an organization by thoroughly identifying, documenting, and presenting vulnerabilities, and suggesting countermeasures for mitigating risk.

Phase 1 – Reconnaissance
Phase 2 – Weaponisation and Delivery
Phase 3 – Exploitation, Installation, Command and Control
Phase 4 – Continuous Reporting

What is the difference between a penetration test and a red team assessment?

Both penetration tests and red team assessments aim to improve an organisation’s security defences by emulating the techniques of a real-world threat actor. But the format and methods of the assessments differ.

A penetration test…
    A red team service…
      • Is a short-term assessment
      • Aims to identify and exploit vulnerabilities
      • Utilises one attack method
      • Is a short-term assessment
      • Aims to test how well an organisation would detect and respond to an attack
      • Utilises a broad range of attack methods

      Experience Dynamic Multimedia Red Team Reporting

      Our comprehensive reporting includes dynamic multimedia such as audio, video, photos, screenshots, and other materials that capture the progress of a red team project. Our reports are tailored to meet the individual needs of each client, helping them effectively present their findings to upper management or share results with third parties.

      The benefits of Red team security testing

      Advanced attack resilience
        Evaluate your defences
          Multifaceted approach
            Continuous improvement

              Why Rootshell’s Red Team services?

              • Rootshell‘s Red Team services provide comprehensive and realistic assessments of an organization‘s existing security posture.
              • It helps uncover existing gaps and vulnerabilities in an organizations defenses, identify any malicious activities from insiders and external actors.
              • Their assessments replicate realworld attack scenarios that potential attackers might use to exploit an organization.
              • The assessments can provide an organization with a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of their security infrastructure, creating a roadmap to enhance risk mitigation
              • Through the use of cuttingedge tools and techniques, experienced professionals from Rootshell can alert organizations of any potential security risks before they are exploited.
              • Rootshell‘s Red Team services allow organizations to create reliable and resilient security solutions to protect their data.
              • With Rootshell‘s Red Team assessment, organizations can detect potential threats from both external and internal sources and develop appropriate countermeasures against these threats.
              • Rootshell‘s Red Team services also provide an organization with insights on the effectiveness of their security controls and the gaps that need to be addressed.

              Frequently Asked Questions about cloud services penetration testing

              How is a red team as a service carried out?

              Red team services are carried out in four stages.

              Firstly, reconnaissance is carried out to gather as much information about your organisation as possible.

              Then, we leverage our intelligence to launch a simulated attack on your organisation. This could include techniques such as email phishing, physical ingress, or Command and Control techniques, to gain access to your network.

              Once we have established a foothold, we aim to achieve the agreed objective of your red team assessment; for example, data exfiltration.

              Finally, we provide you with clear reports of how well your organisation is performing at each phase of the assessment.

              What techniques are used in a red team security assessment

              We utilise a wide range of hacking techniques to carry out red teaming. This includes email phishing, SMiShing (SMS phishing), physical ingress, or Command and Control activities.

              What is the difference between a red team and a blue team?

              Both red and blue teams are can be considered as types security assessments, but a red team aims to breach an organisation, whereas a blue team aims to defend it. The activities of a blue team include network monitoring, risk assessments, and threat detection.

              What is the difference between a penetration test and a red team assessment?

              Penetration tests are usually short term engagements that focus on exploiting as many vulnerabilities as possible within an organisation’s attack vector. Red team assessments are more in depth, long term, and continuous assessments, that utilise a broad range of tactics to infiltrate an organisation. The aim of a red team assessment is not only to identify vulnerabilities, but to test an organisation’s ability to detect and respond to an attack.

              Are they any risks of carrying out a red team assessment

              Our highly experienced CREST-certified testers carry out your red team assessment to the highest quality standards, so you can rest assured that no disruption to your organisation will be caused.

              What is the purpose of a red team services?

              Red teaming assesses how your well organisation would perform at each stage of a cyber attack. You will gain extensive insight into the status of your attack surface and effectiveness of your security techniques, processes, and personnel.

              By conducting a red team assessment you will test the following:

              • Resilience of your attack surface
              • Effectiveness of your threat detection techniques
              • Efficiency of your response processes
              • Awareness of your personnel

              Contact us today for Red Team as a Service